


    Summer is a great time to start your own garden, as we can plant some of the finest and most popular vegetables and herbs. There is a huge variety of plants and herbs to plant, from tomato, cabbage , capsicum, carrot, chives, coriander, cucumber, eggplant, fennel, leek, onion, parsley, radish, rocket, turnip and hundreds more.

    Soil preparation

    Well first of all you need to pick an open sunny and part shade position, as some plants love a lot of sun and some like a little less, and secondly make sure the area you have chosen hasn’t got many small rocks and also make sure the soil is able to be dug because if the soil is too hard then nothing will grow successful.

    Once you have chosen a good position plan the layout of your garden, for example row one tomatoes row 2 chillies, and make sure you have enough room to move as the weeds don’t stop growing and they need to be cleared if you are to achieve a successful garden.

    After you have planed the layout of your garden its time to get down and dirty, you must remove any weeds or plants that are not supposed to be in your garden area, and then you must start turning  the soil, using a shovel, this is done to smoothen the soil and to clear under the soil if their are any roots or large stones. You should go over and repeat this about three times, and be sure to take a rest and get a cold drink if you are tired as for some this can be an excellent work out if your body isn’t used to it.

    Then you will need to use a rake and even out the soil to ensure that you don’t have a hill on one side and a hole on the other and to remove any dead root or leaves lying there, and your soil is ready. You can do a little extra to fertilize the soil based on what you have chosen to plant but other than that your soil is good to go. Make sure you spray your soil with water.


    Parsley, tomato and chili’s

    The plants I have chosen to talk about are very basic ones for all the new people deciding to go with the idea. First of all what garden can we have without parsley, this  herb can grow all year round  and it is very easy to grow once you have it going.

    Tomato is great, need lots of care as they may require to be tied on small sticks as the wind could cause them to snap or bend which will have impact on their growth, and the same with chili’s. Chili’s and tomatoes love a full sunny position, parsley needs a balanced position it can grow in shade, and full sun position but the best would be in a balanced position.

    I prefer to start with plant’s rather than seeds because  it gets established much easier. Once you have your pot or pots, dig the holes just a bit deeper than the height of your pot. When taking the plant out of the pot don’t pull it, as this might tare the roots right off the plant, the correct way of doing it is just keep squeezing the sides and the plant will come out the natural way.

    Place the plants in the holes once they are out and then cover them with the dirt you used to dig the hole and then spray all your plants again with water. To maintain your plant’s I’d say water them every two day’s, if the temperature is hot then you must water them everyday, because they will be at risk of burning and drying out. To maintain the parsley you need to keep trimming it if it gets too large as this may cause it to be unhealthy.

    Good luck gardeners I hope my tips were useful and keep gardening.

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