

    Debunking the ‘I’ve worked hard’ myth

    Challenging the notion of 'working hard' for wealth. Learn why the 'worked hard' narrative overlooks privilege and contributes to societal inequality.

    Dear Westie – September 2024

    A reader struggles with children putting fingers in their food? Dear Westie dishes out the advice.

    Dear Westie – August 2024

    This months issue – can you 'bags' a car park. Also updates on the critical 'poop scoop' issue from last month.

    Dear Westie – July 2024

    Several times a week, someone let’s their dog drop a deuce on the nature strip outside my house. I never see them, nor do I see the doo doo, until I step in it – and I always step in it! My shoes are ruined, I get doo doo on my rug. I’m at the end of my tether! How do I get these people to scoop their poop?

    Thank you Mr McGann! 

    Years ago, while still seduced by the empty promises of self-help books, wedged somewhere between trying to identify the 'toxic people' in my life and learning to 'fully maximise my potential', I read about the therapeutic value of writing thank you letters. Being pig-headed and slightly arrogant as I was (probably why I was given that particular book in the first place), I couldn't immediately think of anyone to thank; after all, I was a self-made man who’d done it all on his own, and worked super-hard, right? 

    Public, private and the broadening grey chasm in Australia’s medical system

    A sad, frustrating tale of a layman navigating the medical system in search of the truth.

    Don’t let the billionaires distract you from the inconvenient truth

    Solving life’s problems – growing inequality, relentless corporate profiteering, and environmental ruin – is, as always, individual action.


    A well-connected network of safe bike lanes brings other benefits too.

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    #103 December 2024

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