


    With Nat and Brad

    Take a fresh look at the way you use water this summer.  Most of us in the west have gotten used to being in a constant state of drought when drastic water restrictions were introduced in the 2000’s. While it was a shock at first to adjust to water restrictions, many of us have gotten used to improved and more efficient water use.

    That adds up to almost two decades of water saving. While the drought restrictions may have lifted, here are some additional tips and hints on how to save more water.

    The first thing is to check your water bill to see your daily water use: how far off Target 155 are you?

    Target 155 is a voluntary water efficiency program to encourage water conservation. The target is based on the average amount of water used per person, per day in Victoria. Achieving Target 155 will save you money, but will also contribute to water security in Victoria.

    Getting to Target 155 will depend on your household (or family’s) existing pattern of daily water use.

    Making a major change, such as buying a front loading washing machine, could have a dramatic impact on water use and reduce your water bill. But so could making a number of smaller changes, such as if everyone shortened their daily shower by 1 minute, or, if dishwashers and washing machines are only ever used with a full load.

    Depending on how far off Target 155 you are, you might consider the following broad areas and investment for your household.


    • Changing a toilet from single to dual flush could save up to 35,000 litres per year.
    • Installing a new showerhead could save 13,500 litres per year.
    • Swapping to aerated taps could reduce water use all year.

    Replacing whitegoods

    • Change to a front loader washing machine and save up to 15,000 litres per year.
    • Upgrading your dishwasher to latest model, slimline or compact could improve water use.

    Be mindful

    • Only put the dishwasher or washing machine on a full load.
    • Small leaks account for 4% of household water use. Always check taps and toilets, including the garden hose.
    • Keep an eye on the amount of time you spend in the shower each day. Shortening a shower by one minute every day could save 2,500 litres per year.

    If you’re considering working on the house during summer, here are some suggestions for big projects:

    • Save water and energy with aerated taps
    • Install a new showerhead and save thousands of litres of water
    • Install a modern dual flush toilet and use less than half the water of a traditional single flush
    • The technology used in dishwashers and front loading washing machines continues to improve… is it time for an upgrade?

    Visit or for more information.  

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