


    By Jill Wild

    Something occurred to me last night as I pondered my daily existence on this earthly plane. The majority of us human beings will pretty much stick to the same routine day in and day out, week in and week out, month in and month out, deviating only ever so slightly from our planned daily routines. If we do in fact have the courage to choose the road less travelled, there is a distinct possibility that we will end up hovering between a state of mild anxiety to full blown panic.

    My Daily Reflection

    6am Will I get up now and go to the early morning yoga class that I’ve been promising myself to attend for the last three months? Nah… I’ve heard the teacher makes the class do ten rounds of ‘salute to the sun’. I know my limits. I can only manage four at the most. My bed is too cosy, and best not to refigure my spine at my age.

    7am My day has officially begun. Will I pump the heater up to 25 degrees cos I am officially frozen? Nah… best to keep it welded on 18 degrees. My gas bill will be off the Richter scale and bill shock is not good for my health.

    7.30am Will I curl my hair this morning instead of straightening it? Nah… the last time I used my curling wand I burnt my arm. My scar is a constant reminder that I should read the curling wand instructions again. Best to stick to my old faithful GHD. (I think that stands for Glorious Hair days).

    7. 45am The ads on Triple M are driving me crazy. Will I flick it over to Gold FM? Nah… Mick Molloy makes me laugh, and best not to fiddle with the dial cos I know I’ll never be able to sync Triple M again on my classic 1980s radio.

    8am Will I wear my new designer brand makeup today, the hot pink lipstick and my longer lashes mascara? Nah… the animals that I’m looking after might get a shock and run for cover, never to be seen again. Best I don’t lose any clients, they’re too hard to come by.

    9.30am My body is screaming for a coffee. Will I try that café that’s just been refurbished? It looks amazing. All decked out in the swish industrial look. But can they make my latté EXACTLY how I like it? Nah… If I have a crap cup of coffee my whole day will be ruined; best I don’t take such a massive risk. Besides, they don’t have coffee cards and I’m only 2 coffees away from my freebie.

    12pm Back at my beloved café for late breakfast/ brunch/ early lunch/lunch and early afternoon tea, call it what you will. They have a new menu and it’s all too confusing. Will I have the smashed avo with the organic Persian feta drizzled with organic balsamic? Nah… I have a problem with avocados being smashed, I’m a pacifist at heart. Best I stick to my fruit toast with my non organic raspberry jam.

    2pm I’m pounding the pavement walking my favourite dog Bindi. Her markings are exquisite; she could actually be a Tasmanian tiger. Maybe she’ll come out one day. Dare I take the scenic route, by the lake, this time? Nah… Its magpie swooping season, they could be sitting in the trees, waiting to attack me, best me and my tiger stick to suburbia. Sorry Bindi, summer is just round the corner.

    4pm I need to get some petrol. Will it be Shell, Caltex, BP or the independent? The independent has a hot new guy working there; Caltex has just had a complete makeover, and BP has the mints that I like. Nah… Shell has the shop a dockets, best not to waste a shop a docket. Four cents a litre off is four cents a litre off.

    6pm The cats are low on kitty litter. I really wish they could join me when I shop for their toiletries, they would then understand how painstaking it is trying to make a choice. Clumping, non-clumping, gel crystals, recycled paper, recycled cardboard, organic, non-organic, lavender scented, OMG, really, lavender scented? I have my usual conversation to a fellow shopper on how many millions I’ve spent on kitty litter over the years. Will I treat them to the new gardenia scented variety? Nah… best to stick to what seems to do the trick; good old fashioned dirt from the garden. And the best bit is… IT’S FREE!!!! Sorry cats, maybe next payday I can indulge you.

    8pm On the Home Straight. Will I dare to watch the new series of The Bachelor tonight, or will I just drift into a semi comatose state with my new meditation CD? Nah… I’m a true romantic and I just want this batchie to find his true love, he has been SO unlucky in love. Best I put Zen heaven on the back burner for now.

    10.30pm Safe and sound tucked up in bed. Will I read last week’s copy of Sunday Life? There’s an interesting article on ‘Change is good for the Soul’. Mmm… Yes, I will read that, and maybe, just maybe, I will wake up tomorrow morning, ready, willing and able to consider option B, or C or even D. I can only try.

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