


    For thirty years Jacci has lived in the west, even when not in Melbourne. From ‘west’ of Alice Springs, to ‘west’ of Darwin, to ‘western’ Brisbane and Sydney to a ‘western’ province of China. After touring their debut solo show, Labelled, from Darwin, Alice Springs to Sydney and Melbourne Fringe festivals, Jacci was to perform Tardy: Ready and Disabled at the recently cancelled Comedy Festival – a look at identity politics (as a queer, autistic, veteran) through the lens of someone who never got it, didn’t get it and just felt like they would do their own thing regardless.

    “I came back to Melbourne in July 2018, with a brief and traitorous sojourn to Fitzroy for six weeks somewhere in there. Here I felt at home for the first time in a long time, after a somewhat interesting ‘nomadic’ anthropology career (and previous military career). “

    But what drew Jacci to the west?

    “My late father loved Footscray and his side of the family goes back to 1863 in Kilmore as Irish Australians. They owned the Kilmore Brewery and a pub for a while. I grew up hearing stories about his childhood (he was born in 1923 and was 20 years older than my mother) and his funniest and darkest stories were about drill training for WWII in the Footscray Drill Hall. It made sense to come back here. “

    Lots has changed over the years in the west.

    “Including me! I’ve found my family history again. It’s like the pages of a book are coming to life. Every time I drive past places my Dad talked about I feel at home. Like I have been replanted where I belong. “

    When winding down, Jacci likes cafés like Jack Be Nimble (ironic name) in Maidstone and the Flying Fox.

    “I love the variety here. I have a couple of favourite cafes with industrial feels. I like that I can find a quiet spot and have a coffee with my assistance dog and be part of the furniture. I like my food – and Footscray has so much to offer and I can always try something new. “

    And the show Tardy? What can readers expect from that?

    “Nerdy satire and wordplay and based on real life experiences and expertise.”

    For more about the show:

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