


    Yet another installment of a Marvel Universe mini-series, this time its focus is Loki, the god of mischief.

    I’m hearing you say “isn’t he dead?” Well yes at the beginning of Infinity War he was killed by Thanos, but half way through Endgame it was revealed that he had in fact escaped with the Tesseract back in 2012 during the Avengers. Now I know what you’re thinking, that the timeline is all screwed up now. But that’s what this series is all about. The Marvel creators never cease to surprise me with the ideas they pull out, they’re not all meaningless and this one I really believe is leading up to something big; the Multi-verse. Tom Hiddleston plays Loki simply perfectly. He is one of those actors who just fits the character with perfection, it astounds me to think it could have been anyone else. The story is so well told also, you would expect it to be confusing because of all the time travel and mixed up timelines but credit to the writers it is easy to follow. Owen Wilson is a surprise, I never saw him in a role in a superhero movie but somehow it just works. To sum up I would rate this above the other Marvel mini-series. WandaVision was a little confusing and Falcon and the Winter Soldier just didn’t live up to the hype. With a few more episodes to come I’m really excited to see where Loki goes next.

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