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    The Westsider: August, 2024

    The Westsider is a not-for-profit, monthly community newspaper, written by volunteers and delivered to hundreds of pick-up points across the inner west each month.

    Editor’s Note – August 2024

    I want to say thanks to all of our volunteers and give a special shout out to our team of E-Gen writers.

    Your Voice – August 2024

    This month's letters: 'Don’t forget Council’s contribution to saving Henderson House', 'Who pays for Paisley Street?', 'Footscray shopping district a disgrace' and 'Memories of the Newport Quarries'

    Redactions, apologies, speed limits and intersections

    A reporting of July's meetings for Hobsons Bay, Brimbank, Wyndham and Maribyrnong.

    MPs push for law reform to stop persecution of working people

    Legalise Cannabis Victoria will bring the debate on legalising cannabis back to Victoria’s Parliament in late August, because thousands of people are needlessly being funnelled into the criminal justice system.

    More jobs for the western suburbs, but too many people still face a tough commute!

    WoMEDA employment research shows that the west of Melbourne has experienced a rapid surge in employment, with an increase of 100,000 jobs in just six years but the daily commute is costing us jobs.

    Victoria University investigates cracking problems for houses in the west 

    With the aim of gaining an understanding of the seasonal changes of soil behaviour below foundations, our team constructed a fully instrumented model waffle-raft foundation on a highly reactive site in Sunshine North.

    Air pollution kills: What you can do to mitigate your risk 

    The Westsider reached out to Dr Nima Izadyar and A/Prof Elmira Jamei, scientists at Victoria University, to ask just how dangerous air pollution is, and what you can do to reduce the impact.

    Tree vandals strike at Newport Lakes nature reserve

    After 30 years of the community working together with Hobsons Bay Council, some of the more mature trees along with some samplings have been vandalised. 

    Techno Park offers a regenerative spark!

    What if, instead of being a ‘problem place’ full of danger and risk, Techno Park becomes a place of regeneration, addressing the issues of housing affordability and cost of living, while offering a sustainable, energy-positive future?

    A Great Forest National Park in Victoria will boost regional economies far more than the logging industry ever did

    The cessation of logging Victoria’s old growth forests on 1 January 2024 provides the opportunity to create the Great Forest National Park (GFNP) to permanently protect our magnificent forests and their endangered wildlife.

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