
    Daniel Brace

    14 POSTS

    Free CPR courses with St John Ambulance Victoria in Sunshine

    St John Ambulance Victoria is providing free CPR training to residents of Sunshine and people with a strong connection to the area through family, work, study or leisure as part of Defib In Your Street.

    Learning self acceptance through street dance

    Amelia Vu is a Vietnamese-Australian dancer, choreographer, videographer, and Artist in Residence at the Bowery Theatre.

    In Place by Na Djinang Circus delivers prescient warning about neglecting Country

    Discover the profound meaning and importance of Country in this captivating work by Na Djinang Circus and Circa Cairns.

    SalamaTea: Delicious Persian food with a purpose

    Experience the taste of Iran at SalamaTea cafe in Sunshine. Enjoy authentic Persian dishes and delve into the diverse flavors of the Middle East.

    More jobs for the western suburbs, but too many people still face a tough commute!

    WoMEDA employment research shows that the west of Melbourne has experienced a rapid surge in employment, with an increase of 100,000 jobs in just six years but the daily commute is costing us jobs.