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The Westsider is a not-for-profit, monthly community newspaper, written by volunteers and delivered to hundreds of pick-up points across the inner west each month.

The mystery of the missing CEO

Well if you turned up to the Hobsons Bay February Council meeting expecting an explanation about why the CEO was sacked back in January, you’d be a little disappointed.

Your voice – March 2025

This months letters include the transparency of Trump and a follow up on Dear Westie's leaf blower letter.

Storytelling comes to the streets of West Footscray

By Christien Wilson  The Footscray West Writers Fest will bring the streets of West Footscray to life in a celebration of literature, community and belonging.  A...

Who holds the power? Elected reps or civil servants?

All eyes seem to be on council CEOs lately, after Hobsons Bay suspended theirs last month. For readers of a certain vintage, council Chief Executive...

Melbourne’s booming west missing out on schools

By Ben Richards, Freddie Moffat, Phoebe Miller, Yarrah Muneer and David Allen It's no secret the western suburbs are growing fast.  It's also no secret...

Hey MPs! You say you’re listening to the West? Don’t close Champion Road!

By David Hatley  The closure of Champion Road, Williamstown, is a disaster for the local community. I could easily rant on a political basis here,...

New technology paves the way at Yarraville Community Centre 

Digital Literacy has fast become a crucial skill for many people of all ages. Whether you are using technology for online shopping, paying bills...

Guerilla gardeners creating a vibrant green space in West Footscray

By Christien Wilson West Footscray locals Christian Fagan and Hayley Pinkham have taken urban renewal to the next level by revitalising a long abandoned council...

Footscray Housing: Melbourne’s missing middle?

By Ciara Duffy-Quinn, Felix Pocius, Jack Holland, Adam Miller and David Allen Melbourne's population is expected to grow to over 5 million by 2030, all...

Better buses leads to healthier and happier children

By Adele Vosper, Sustainable Cities Collective member. The results of the Werribee by-election clearly show that business cannot continue as usual. While residents are tired...

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#105 MARCH 2025

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