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Winter is upon us, with its dark mornings where all you want is to stay curled up in your warm bed and the cold rainy days when exercise is the last thing on your mind.

Exercise over the winter months can be hard, as the after-work walks in the summer sun can so easily turn into sitting on the couch watching TV. So, just in time to beat the Winter exercise blues, here are some strategies to help reach your health and exercise goals even during our dreaded Melbourne Winter.  

  1. Do what you love: Though it may seem obvious, studies have shown that people that enjoy the exercise that they do are going to keep going despite the barriers. So if you prefer cycling to running, go for a bike ride or come into the gym and use one of the stationary bikes.  You don’t need to go for a run if you don’t like doing it.
  2. Exercise with a friend: This can take many forms; being part of a sporting club, going for a leisurely walk or doing a weights session at the gym will significantly increase the likelihood of you doing exercise. We all have those days where we think we are too tired to exercise, but to have someone there to keep you accountable helps maintain your routine and reach your goals.
  3. Have a plan: For those days when it’s freezing and pouring down with rain maybe that idea of a run along the Maribyrnong River doesn’t sound as enticing. Having a plan in place for these types of days really helps during these winter months. Obviously the easiest one is to come into the gym, with all the equipment already here. Otherwise, a home program, which could consist of bodyweight training and some stair climbs, could be enough until spring. Remember doing something is better than nothing. 

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