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Sponsored content written by Catie Norman

Despite ever increasing safety standards in vehicles and stricter road safety legislation, the number of people injured and killed on our road continues to soar leaving far too many families to deal with unthinkable pain and suffering. On average, we lose three people per day across the country to motor vehicle accidents. In Victoria alone, 218 people have died on our state’s roads, more fatalities than this time last year.

What’s most alarming is that statistics suggest the causes of death and serious injury on our roads are, for the most part, avoidable. Most accidents are a result of speed, fatigue, distraction, and most commonly failing to wear a seatbelt. What’s staggering in 2019 is that more than 20 percent of people killed on our roads were not wearing a seatbelt.
A simple reach and click that takes just seconds. The message to buckle up is somehow still not sinking in. Adding to our road toll is people’s addiction to technology. Accidents caused by drivers who are distracted by devices is on the rise. In fact, texting is said to be six times more dangerous than drink driving.

The impact of death and serious injury from road accidents is far and wide, from those directly involved and their families to the strain these unforgettable scenes place on our emergency workers, and the pressure then placed on our healthcare system and trauma centres. When collisions occur, particularly those at speed, the injuries if not fatal are too often catastrophic and life changing. These injuries are made worse because they are completely unexpected. One minute a loved one is driving to the shops, the next they wake in hospital with life-changing injuries that can turn an entire family’s life on its head.

At Shine Lawyers, we help people on a daily basis who have been injured or those who have lost loved ones on Victorian roads. Receiving assistance and compensation following an accident when emotions are sky-high is overwhelming which is why legal advice is highly recommended.

The message from the Transport Accident Commission is something we have all heard, but in the lead up to Christmas do yourself a favour…. stop and reflect on these lifesaving words… there is no one that somebody won’t miss!

Catie Norman is the Sunshine Branch Manager at Shine Lawyers.

Contact Shine Lawyers to schedule a free no-obligation consultation on 1800 860 461.


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