Disney Plus has decided to revive this beloved franchise from most of our childhoods.
The original films from the 90s are the ultimate under-dog stories that inspired so many kids of that generation and now its back for the modern age. It still has the same feel as the originals which is great but it’s made its own storyline instead of copying what has previously been done. The ice hockey team named the Ducks are now the team to beat, but in doing so they have become mean and disrespectful. But now Alex (who was forced off the team) has created his own, containing kids who just want to play hockey. It still holds the values of the original films, but this time it really focuses on having fun rather than winning which is what the others lacked. So you can say that this is almost an improvement, but it somewhat lacks that certain magic. I really do like it so far, there are a few more episodes to be released and I am looking forward to see how it plays out. Emilio Estevez returns as coach Bombay so there is at least one re-occurring character, even though he has definitely changed in the last 20 years. Overall I was excited when this series was planned, and now that it’s out I am so happy. It’s almost the nostalgia hit we all needed even though it is set today. This will be loved by the whole family.
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