
    Harley & Rose


    By Jay Clough

    The peaceful sense of community that the west offers is one of the main draw cards to the area; it separates us from the cramped posturing of the north, the aloof detachment of the east, and whatever it is that goes on down south. 

    Occasionally however, one yearns for the hustle and bustle of the city, and fortunately for West Footscray residents, they have Harley & Rose to fill that void. Named for an album by legendary Aussie band The Black Sorrows, it should come as no surprise that Harley & Rose is rocking most nights.

    Harley & Rose’s take on refined, relaxed dining offers all the delights of a modern inner-city Italian eatery, without the expensive Uber bill. The pizzas toe the line between traditional and the more modern-Australian style that everyone secretly loves and few freely admit to; you’re just as likely to find pineapple, barbecue sauce and jalapenos on the pizzas here as you are San Marzano tomatoes and scamorza, so expect the unexpected. 

    One standout pie, the Pippie Pizza, skillfully captures the fresh sweetness of the shellfish, enveloped in a creamy lemon and parsley sauce. The result is a singular delight, as is the option to add a small amount of cod roe dip to your order to plunge your crusts into. Elsewhere, freshly baked smoked garlic flatbreads arrive alongside a tin of imported cuca anchovies, the perfect accompaniment to a pre-dinner spritz. A juicy chicken schnitzel, golden brown and swimming in sage butter sauce, offers an enticing alternative for those not in the pizza state of mind.

    Harley & Rose solidifies its status as a one-stop shop for a lux night in by doubling as a bottleshop, offering a great selection of local and foreign bottles; you can even get a takeaway pizza and wine combo. Heading into its seventh year, the party at Harley & Rose shows no sign of quieting down. Rock on. 

    Harley and Rose
    572 Barkly St, West Footscray
    (03) 9689 9752

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