


    Being left out sucks, and it is heart wrenching to think that 1 in 6 Australian children aren’t included in playground games or invited to parties.

    When Louise Larkin heard that a little boy who had invited his whole class to his birthday had no one to turn up, this shot straight to her heart and she knew that right then and there she wanted to make a difference so she put together an event for all little boys and girls that had never been invited to a party and that is when Friend in Me was born.

    Since then, Louise has stopped at nothing to help thousands of children have fun on their birthdays and be included in the wonderful (now virtual) Friend in Me parties and events she holds. She wants children to feel comfortable to embrace their uniqueness and loves nothing more than connecting children of all ages, nationalities and abilities to meet, dance, play, sing, and create long lasting memories.

    With all of her events (and major source of fundraising) cancelled, she needs your help more than ever. Every dollar is critical to not only delivering awesome parties of joy to our beloved children but to creating longer term platforms and educational tools that will ensure no child is left behind. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

    “It’s our big dream and we’d love to have you along for the journey”. Louise Larkin, Friend in Me. Right now, help is as easy as giving a ‘cup’. #igiveacup challenges you to pledge a coffee or hot drink each week to be part of promoting a world where every child feels loved and included. It’s *$5.20/week as that happens to be what it costs me to get my own Almond Milk Mocha”.

    Friend in Me receive no government funding or regular support and rely on volunteers, donations, fundraising, and sponsorship.

    To find out more and make a donation, head to:
    Any donations over $2AUD are eligible for a tax-deductible receipt.

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