

    The art of questioning 

    It’s embarrassing how many of us don’t understand the value of our vote and have made no effort to understand or question Australian political power.

    Westie crossword

    The Westie crossword for April


    Sudoku for April 2024

    1927 ‘Mount Mistake’ in West Footscray 

    Right next to the shiny new Whitten Oval stands ‘Mount Mistake’, a massive tangle of vehicular overpasses that carries Geelong Road traffic over the railway lines at West Footscray station.

    Watswool Wool Brokers

    A towering warehouse in West Footscray, with its decayed WATSWOOL WOO(L) (B)ROKERS sign, was constructed for Australian Estates wool brokers.

    Will downtown Footscray ever really change?

    A brief (personal) history of ‘The ‘Scray’ via shopping

    Undefeated: Stories of migrant women living in the west

    The Brimbank Writers & Readers Festival is an annual event that encourages a love of reading and literature, celebrates creativity and diversity, and promotes lifelong learning in Brimbank. 

    Your cultural heritage is a strength when writing authentic YA narratives 

    Most writers begin by writing what they know, and their first novels tend to be autobiographical, and I was no different.

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    #103 December 2024

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