
    We're more than just news

    The Westsider: March, 2024

    The Westsider is a not-for-profit, monthly community newspaper, written by volunteers and delivered to hundreds of pick-up points across the inner west each month.

    Q&A with local wrestler and Western Rainbow Award recipient Chris Gooden

    Chris Gooden is well known in the west as the owner and friendly front man of Seddon Deadly Sins, which is more to Chris than just a cafe.

    Will downtown Footscray ever really change?

    A brief (personal) history of ‘The ‘Scray’ via shopping

    Scumshine, Smelltona, Fear Park – What’s in a name?

    Returning to Sunshine, where I spent my childhood through to my early twenties, brings with it much pride. At times though, I get a slap in the face. The name I am referring to is ‘Scumshine’.

    Undefeated: Stories of migrant women living in the west

    The Brimbank Writers & Readers Festival is an annual event that encourages a love of reading and literature, celebrates creativity and diversity, and promotes lifelong learning in Brimbank. 

    Your cultural heritage is a strength when writing authentic YA narratives 

    Most writers begin by writing what they know, and their first novels tend to be autobiographical, and I was no different.

    The softer side of estate planning

    People assume estate planning is all dry, legal documents, but we encourage our clients to consider a more personal Letter of Wishes.

    LP Corner

    Reviews for The House is Burning and Vultures1

    THE REST OF US: A fresh creative response to marginalisation

    Disappointed by the lack of events created by and for disenfranchised young folk, a group of like-minded souls) decided to take matters into our own hands.

    Eat Your Heart Out: Lack of venues forces theatre from the west to move north

    A comedy concerning sisters facing difficulties for the first time in their privileged life over weekly lunches.

    SummerSapphic a cool respite for hot Sunday arvos

    The brain-child of Littlefoot co-owner Liana Lucca-Pope, SummerSapphic is a series of fortnightly gatherings centred on queer women, featuring performances by queer artists.

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    #103 December 2024

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