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Training hacks for better choices – how to choose the right training

With the support of the MMVLLEN (Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley Local Learning and Employment Network), local young people are encouraged and supported to succeed through many different projects.

One of these projects is the Moonee Valley Internships Project (MVI) which provides marginalised young people connected to the inner West with 10-week internship opportunities through real life skills in their relevant work of interest. The internship positions are an exciting way to get involved in the local community and to build the skills and networks that will help the young person to get a job. Young people are matched with a mentor of professional background to support them with their transition into work, training or education.

The current group of interns are working on planning an information session for young people, who want to be linked to mentor. They have participated in a project management workshop and are learning how to establish their own small-scale project. The skills they will muster during the internship include event planning, organising guest speakers, delivering small training sessions to mentors, public speaking, time management organising room bookings and catering and working as part of a team.

Through a previous MVI project, a group of young people has developed a series of three, short video clips for their peers on how to choose the training provider that is right for them.

This was in response to the growing concern that some young people are using up their government entitlements for training and support, and getting into debt without their knowledge or much benefit.

Many young people in Australia are taking up training to improve their chances of getting employment or transitioning into further studies. To ensure that they get best value out of the training, it is important they are supported in making the choice of course and training provide that is best for them.

Made by young people for young people, this series of video clips outlines some important things to consider when choosing to pursue training. It also outlines useful things to know when deciding on which Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to enrol in. Posted on YouTube, the videos aim to raise awareness on key steps to making the best decision.

If you are a young person interested in an internship or you are an employer who would like to offer an internship to a young person, please call Anna Lemcke on 9376 7251 or email
For further information and access to RTO awareness guides for young people and youth workers visit:

Links to the video clips:

Training Hacks 1 – Chose wisely (Stairs) :

Training Hacks 2 – Don’t feel pressured (Paper Lion):

Training Hacks 3 – Debt (sausage):

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