


    By Kyle Withers

    1. The Breakfast Club

    Released in 1985 is this absolute teen classic. I 100% agree that this movie is still relevant for today’s teens. What this film does so well is portray archetypes that are still around today in one shape or form, but the Breakfast Club dives into the fact that there is more than meets the eye. First impressions aren’t everything.

    2. Indiana Jones

    Now what I will say that makes you realise the Indiana Jones is still strong even today is something that not even I thought of until recently. Has anything been made that actually holds up to it now? I say no. I have thought long and hard but the only thing that comes close would be Tomb Raider, but they really aren’t that similar. So my verdict is that this movie will hold up in 100 year’s time.

    3. Top Gun

    No other movie about fighter jets will ever equal this. Everything about this is perfect; fast jets, epic soundtrack, awesome actors and literally shaped the childhood of many kids including me to this day. A few movies tried (like Stealth) but just couldn’t compare. Now all we have to do is wait till the end of the year for the long awaited sequel.         

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