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Inner West Podiatrist Lisa Allen launches Changes A Foot Podiatry

I have been a podiatrist for 15 years. I love my job, I care about my patients, and I am good at what I do. People walk through my clinic door in pain, and leave feeling better.

From general foot care to sports injuries, children’s gait development and diabetic foot wounds, the scope for practice is broad and challenging. Knowing I have made a real difference to people’s lives is incredibly rewarding.

I gave birth to my son in April 2020. For the broader Westsider community, this is also memorable as the month that Melbourne was expected to see the peak of the Covid Pandemic first wave. Whether it was parenthood or pandemic, I can’t say for sure but after 18 months of lockdown, I decided I wanted to start treating the members of my own community in the Inner West.

I have always wanted to open my own practice. Now, with two young children, the practicality of setting my own work schedule has become hugely attractive. To give my clients the care they deserve and my children the parent they deserve, I need to be working on my own terms, at the times that work for me and my clients, and close to my home in Footscray.

This is a special and interesting place to be. I am so excited about Changes a Foot Podiatry, and I can’t wait to meet you!

We have a YouTube channel coming too that will have lots of tips about health but…one step at a time. Stay tuned.

To book an appointment online, please scan the code or call (03) 9318 4322

We’re based at Hampstead Medical in Maidstone, just off Hampstead Road.

Opening hours
Thursday: 2pm – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm

Changes A Foot Podiatry
Hampstead Medical
5/44 Hampstead Road, Maidstone

Facebook  /changesafoot
Insta /changesafoot

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