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Fixation Brewing Co — Fixation IPA (6.4%)

Review by Emily Speakman

When a brewery prides itself on only releasing one style of beer, you’d think it was a huge risk.

But not with Fixation.

Their love of IPAs (India Pale Ales) shines through in every brew that happens down at the Incubator in Collingwood.

Fixation IPA is their flagship, or as they call it, core beer.

Pouring bright and golden, the pine aromas hit you straight away as you pour. The flavours from the hop combination give this the citrusy, resinous flavour you just need (perhaps crave?) from a well-made IPA

Yes, they do make a wide variant of this beer style. But sometimes, it’s great to go back to where it all began to fully appreciate its craftsmanship.

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