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With many Victorians staying local over the summer holidays, the Altona Village Traders Association have launched the ‘This is Altona’ campaign and new website. The campaign is a celebration of all there is to love about Altona – from the pier to the beaches, the wide-open spaces and all the characters along the way.

It’s a postcode where time feels like it stands still for a moment and you can truly enjoy nature, space, people and a chance to just ‘be’. The campaign plans to “invite the rest of Melbourne” to what is one of our best kept secrets – a true beach-side town within easy reach of the city and transport.

Traders and the wider community have embraced the idea and have come together to celebrate Altona by sharing stories and photos of what means the most to them about the suburb.

Check out for shopping, events and activities, or instagram/altonatraders.

Photo: JP Evermore photography

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