
The West Gate Tunnel Project is delivering more than just roads. As part of a commitment to improving areas in Melbourne’s west, the project will deliver new greener spaces and connect the cycling and walking network from the Melbourne CBD to Altona and beyond. 

The project will include more ways than ever to connect pedestrians and cyclists in the west thanks to over 14 kilometres of new and upgraded cycling and walking paths. 

The highly used Federation Trail is included in these upgrades, extending it to a 23km long cycling and walking path. Rounding out the 23km journey from Werribee to Brooklyn will be the addition of the cyclist friendly bridge over the West Gate Freeway from Spotswood to Altona North and the new connection from Hyde Street Reserve to Spotswood Station. 

A 2.5km suspended cycling path or ‘veloway’ for cyclists will provide a safe and direct route to and from the city. 

This uninterrupted cyclist link will connect trails and existing bike paths, providing a space for cyclists outside of the ground level shared path. The veloway will suspended from the middle of the two elevated road structures above Footscray Road and will serve as an express route, bypassing a number of intersections and traffic lights. 

These new and improved paths will also reduce the need to cross busy and dangerous intersections at Footscray Road. Whilst these works are being completed the existing paths will be open to cyclists. 

Additional cycling connections have been considered for a new bridge over the Maribyrnong River, with the bridge being built to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists connecting to the veloway. 

These new links will be enhanced with new green spaces also being delivered by the project. Nearly 9 hectares of landscaped spaces and 14 kilometres of pathways are being regenerated for active transport users to commute with a view. As part of these works, new parks and wetlands will be created to support biodiversity and develop revitalised areas for community. 

To take part in a virtual reality tour of the veloway and experience the West Gate Tunnel Project visit our Info Centre in Yarraville. Find out more information at Victoria’s Big Build: https://bigbuild.vic.gov.au/projects/west-gate-tunnel-project/about/greener-and-better-connected-west/cycling-benefits

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