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By Liz Ross and Mary Mack

The Western Suburbs Mid Week ladies tennis competition has been running for well over 50 years and is a sporting group for all ages and abilities. The only prerequisite to join or field a team is to love fun, laughter and perhaps a hint of competitive spirit. 

Kingsville midweek tennis ladies returned to the Western Suburbs Mid Week Ladies tennis competition in 2022 after taking a season off late 2021.

Covid has meant the last 4 seasons were never played in full and six months or a season off was just what the team needed.

We recruited a couple of new players (dawn Giltrap and Lyn Dryiski) and ensured long term players (Robyn Enright, Liz Ross, Jo Perry and Viviane Harangozo) were keen to continue/go again another round.

We started the season well but frustrated when losing matches by 1 or 2 games.

Before long however, we started to settle into knowing each other’s game and regular playing positions.

By the end of the season, Kingsville were on top of the ladder and were even able to call a wash out (share the points), and not even lose top spot on the ladder. A great outcome given it was a dreary Melbourne Tuesday.

The first final was played at home against Hoppers Crossing who were formidable opponents during the season, beating us on their home courts.

Kingsville were without Robyn and Liz had a sore finger, well bandaged to ensure it would not affect her match play.

In the end it was a convincing win to Kingsville (8 sets – 56 games to 2 sets 20 games). Our new players – Lyn and Dawn were both in excellent form and Jo, Liz and Viv all combined well and the last set was not played/not required.

A week later, and the Grand-final was played against Bacchus Marsh. Again we benefited from a home match advantage.

Initially everyone was prepared to step out and let the others play as Robyn was to return from her holiday.

In the end Robyn was gracious and requested the team stay the same from the previous week given the great result in the semi-final. She came along to support us all.

There were nerves a plenty and some strategic thinking on which position to play everyone, but in the end the same spots were confirmed as the victorious semi-final. We didn’t have much choice as Viv had not arrived to start on time – meaning she had to play number 5.  

Kingsville ran out convincing winners this time not losing a set (8 sets/48 games to 0 sets/23 games). Again, as we could not lose, the last 2 sets were not played.  

A wonderful return to matches and tennis with everyone enjoying themselves.

Now we all hope that if we are advanced to section 1 again, we can at least be competitive and enjoyable and we remain a happy and healthy team.


You can follow us on Facebook – Mid Week ladies Tennis , Instagram Midweekladiestennis.

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