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The MAMAWEST community most commonly knows me as SUNNYWEST, an alias given to me by my fam at MAMAWEST. Our hair salon/co-working collaborative space.

However, today I’m going to be going by Brodie! My pronouns are He/Him and for this newspaper article, I’m going to be talking about my experience and how MAMAWEST has had such an impact in my life.

Starting at MAMAWEST in Nov 21’ I’ve truly felt 100% my authentic self. I’ve never felt so confident and accepted in a work environment before.

The community that has been built at MAMAWEST has been so inviting and accepting.

It’s been amazing working for a woman who is eager to listen and educate herself. I remember walking into the salon that very first day I started and Sheridan pulling me aside and saying, “lovely just before I introduce you to everyone, I remember seeing on Instagram that your pronouns are he/him, is that correct?”

This may have been a small thing to some, but it meant the world to me.

When meeting new people this is normally a point of anxiety for me having been misgendered many times in my life.

Therefore, I’m so glad we have been able to put things in place like the pronouns feature on our Timely booking system. We all have a lot to learn and are constantly continuing to work on ways of adapting our language to ensure MAMAWEST is a safe and accepting space for all.

Pride days & months to me is a time to reflect, celebrate and voice our LGBTQ+ culture and community. June Pride month has been an especially emotional one for me having been the 5th year since coming out as gay to my family and friends.

Looking back at my younger self I never would have been able to do this.

I remember being so conflicted when my school years were coming to an end, and I was asked what I wanted to do with my life.

I was so scared to admit I wanted to be a hairdresser in case it outed me. I had admitted defeat to my toxic masculinity and stigma around males in the hairdressing industry.

Fast forward to today, looking back at my time @ MAMAWEST – it has allowed me to reflect on the growth I’ve had. I believe that’s what comes from feeling the support and care, every employee should have in the workplace.

Brodie Noble,
Third Year Apprentice.


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