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The Yarraville Community Centre (YCC) has something for everyone from 6 months old to 60+. If you are keen to develop new skills and connect with your community then the Yarraville Community Centre is the place for you.

Their short courses for Term 1 include some regular favourites like Japanese Pottery and Art with Watercolour, but they have also introduced lots of new exciting short courses and workshops. Keep up to date with what’s on offer by signing up to their eNewsletter via their website.

One of their great new language programs to commence in Term 2 is Spanish Club for Kids (catering for children from 5-12 yrs old) with their amazing tutor Gabriela Heinz. Gabriela is a Spanish Teacher, Translator and Early Childhood Educator with 20 years’ experience and a passion for teaching children.

Not only do YCC offer an extensive range of short courses and workshops but they are a Registered Training Organisation and Learn Local provider offering English language and literacy courses and services. 

YCC also run fun and interactive classes for people with a disability including cooking, mindfulness, art and a community choir. The centre is filled with joy and music on Thursday with their Community Choir and staff nearby can’t help but sing along.

If you are on a long waitlist for childcare, wait no longer. Come and check out their high quality and affordable occasional care and fantastic 3 year old preschool program. Their popular children’s programs develop children’s social skills, independence and self-esteem through play and a full range of age-appropriate activities.

Their Youth Leaders do an amazing job at providing a safe space for teens with the ever popular Youth Space at Blackwood Street that aims to build friendships, focus on mental health and support young people to connect with and support each other.

Skills First Reconnect is another fantastic program run at the centre that works on developing skills for people who didn’t finish school or trying to re-engage in study/training for employment pathways.

This program is funded by the Victorian Government and provides opportunities for mentorship, guidance and basic financial assistance skills.

Yarraville Community Centre has so much to offer and they hope to see you in 2020. For further information:

  • Call on 9687 1560

Or you can follow their activities on social media:

Yarraville Community Centre - Advertorial
Yarraville Community Centre - Advertorial
Office: 59 Francis Street, Yarraville Vic 3013 Mail: PO Box 215, Yarraville Vic 3013 Phone: 9687 1560 Email: Web:

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