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Yarraville Community Centre’s (YCC) aim is to support, share resources and skills to ensure our community needs are met. Currently, there are many community services and resources offered by the centre that may assist you with your day-to-day needs. Listed below are just some of the community services that you or people you know may benefit from at YCC:

Connecting carers to new opportunities

The program will support carers to enter or re-enter the workforce, undertake vocational training, or up-skill to become job ready. This includes pre-employment mentoring to build confidence, practical assistance such as respite and material support, resume writing, carer relief, and support to help carers maintain employment.

Free Child Car Restraint Fitting

Book in for a free child care seat restraint fitting or safety check at YCC. The service is conducted in the car park at 59 Francis Street, Yarraville every second Tuesday. The service is hosted by Kid Safe Victoria in partnership with Neighbourhood Houses Victoria with support from the Victorian State Government. Bookings are essential via

Power Saving Bonus

Electricity bill support for residents has been extended until 30 June 2022! YCC are helping community members apply for the State Government’s $250 Power Saving Bonus, a one-off payment to help eligible Victorians experiencing energy bill stress.

The Nourish Project – Food Relief Program

The Nourish Project rescues surplus food from landfill and transforms this donated food into nutritious meals which are distributed and provided free to people in need. They are also able to provide food vouchers for people who are either isolating or in need of a grocery order.

Good Shepherd’s No Interest Loans (NILs)

The Yarraville Community Centre is thrilled to work with and support the community by acting as a support and referral point for Neighbourhood Houses Victoria and the Good Shepherd’s No Interest Loan Program.

Free Knitting Group

Learn how to knit and meet new people while giving back to those in need in this free knitting group alongside experienced knitters. A volunteer tutor will be teaching simple knitting techniques, then members meet on a regular basis to continue to knit for charity as they build their skills. Complete finger-less gloves and a beanie then donate back to people in need before winter.

The Chatty Cafe

Resuming shortly in 2022, people, like you, from our community will come together to talk and connect in a safe and friendly space while they drink a cuppa and enjoy a conversation. Adults from all walks of life, diverse backgrounds and cultures are warmly welcomed. Please keep an eye out on our social media for the latest.

Free Tax Help

Running from July through to November the Tax Help program is a network of ATO-trained community volunteers who can help you prepare your tax return using myTax. The Yarraville Community Centre will be offering free weekly face-to-face tax help sessions at 59 Francis Street, Yarraville.

To find out more about YCC’s community services or to make a booking please visit

Be sure to be following YCC on social media for the most recent news and updates. Instagram @yarravillecommunitycentre, Facebook @YarravilleCC, Twitter @YarravilleCC


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Yarraville Community Centre - Advertorial
Office: 59 Francis Street, Yarraville Vic 3013 Mail: PO Box 215, Yarraville Vic 3013 Phone: 9687 1560 Email: Web:

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