  • Events



There is never a dull moment at the Yarraville Community Centre. With a multitude of programs and services offered, YCC sites are always buzzing with activity. What a change from last year with the doors shut and everything moved online.

Any given week at YCC can include:

  • Access by support groups
  • Distribution of free cooked meals
  • Evening and weekend room hire (including party hire)
  • Recreational short courses running almost every day of the week
  • Education programs including English as an Additional Language classes and Digital literacy classes
  • The joy of happy children in the Occasional Care and three year old program
  • School holiday programs to keep children involved in stimulating programs and making new friends.

The list goes on, but YCC’s underlying priority is community. YCC aims to share resources and skills to ensure community needs are met and to maximise outcomes for our community.

If you haven’t visited us yet come and say hello at 59 Francis Street, Yarraville.

For more information check out their website at or call 9687 1560.

Yarraville Community Centre - Advertorial
Yarraville Community Centre - Advertorial
Office: 59 Francis Street, Yarraville Vic 3013 Mail: PO Box 215, Yarraville Vic 3013 Phone: 9687 1560 Email: Web:

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