Editor’s note – June 2024


Is there a difference between journalism and storytelling and does it really matter?

While journalism communalises real dramatic events, storytelling has the power to communalise drama. Either way, they unite us and forge deeper connections by calling attention to our shared humanity.

Here at The Westsider we try to do a little of both. Tapping into our local educational institutions (Victoria University, RMIT and Melbourne University) we provide rare opportunities for emerging journalists to hone their craft. And by working with local organisations like 100 Story Building we encourage young writers to share their creative voices with a wider audience.

Of course there’s you. We have an open door policy and we welcome submissions from you. So if you think there’s something missing from the Westsider, tell us. We can’t publish what we don’t receive.

If you’d like to learn a little more about the difference between journalism and storytelling come along to the Williamstown Literature Festival on the weekend of June 15/16.

The whole weekend is packed full of amazing events featuring some of our best writers from both near and far. Plus, The Westsider is holding two events including a FREE Citizen Journalism workshop on the Sunday.

In the meantime, if you believe that local stories are important, and you don’t want your newsfeed dictated by algorithms created by big tech companies, please donate to our fundraising campaign. We’ve teamed up with the Local and Independent News Association (LINA) as part of a national campaign to support local news.

The Westsider is an independent, non-profit newspaper powered by volunteers. We are the voice of Melbourne’s west, but in order to keep telling your stories we need your help.

If you donate between Monday 3rd to Friday 7th June, LINA will match the dollar total raised. Can you help us reach our aim of $2000? 

Barbara Heggen

Got a comment? Keen to submit an article? Like to support or advertise in a community paper? Feel free to get in touch at: editor@thewestsider.com.au

Did you know?

It's hard to find local stories because major news suppliers have economised by cutting local journalism. In addition, social media algorithms mean we have to work doubly hard to be seen.

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