

    2145 POSTS
    Our content is a labour of love, crafted by dedicated volunteers who are passionate about the west. We encourage submissions from our community, particularly stories about your own experiences, family history, local issues, your suburb, community events, local history, human interest stories, food, the arts, and environmental matters. Below are articles created by community contributors. You can find their names in the bylines.

    The Australian Grand Prix:A thrilling race down under

    The Australian Grand Prix, held in Melbourne, is one of the most highly anticipated events on the Formula 1 calendar with this year being no exception. 

    AI: pain or gain? Evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence in studying

    By Ksenia Kurenysheva In the quickly developing world of Artificial Intelligence, even a positive effect can be considered a byte-sized problem…All jokes aside, AI is...

    If I could change the world

    If I could change the world, it’s guaranteed that everyone’s voice will be heard. Over the hustle and bustle I’ll guide the meek, as we’re all unique, that’s what I aspire for others to seek.

    Building bridges:How teenagers can start networking

    In today’s rapidly evolving world, networking is the tool of the successful. It’s from networking that business professionals gain key connections, forge partnerships and exchange relevant ideas, all of which help expand their own business potential.

    Grand Ale, Grand Ale! Has Moon Dog landed yet?

    Stepping into 2024, to consider fusing a brewery with a place of childhood nostalgia, is as ambitious as landing on the moon, but will it work?