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Three weeks ago, when Nabil, his wife Rima and their children arrived at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) in Footscray, they had been missing meals, because they couldn’t afford to buy food.

Like many families who are seeking asylum in Australia, Nabil didn’t have savings to support his family and lived week to week. When Nabil was stood down from his job recently because of COVID-19, and with no Government safety net, the family’s money quickly ran out. For hundreds of families like Nabil’s, the ASRC is the only place they can turn to for support when things get tough.

“When I lost my job we can not afford food anymore or buy medication for my daughter’s Asthma. I was so scared for her, for all of us” said Nabil.

Each week the ASRC provides hundreds of people with emergency support including food packs, medication and housing assistance. Vulnerable people in the community, like Nabil, need help to keep their family safe through the COVID-19 crisis. If you can help please call 1300 692 772 or go to and make a donation.

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