
    We're more than just news

    The Westsider: May, 2024

    The Westsider is a not-for-profit, monthly community newspaper, written by volunteers and delivered to hundreds of pick-up points across the inner west each month.

    If I could change the world

    If I could change the world, it’s guaranteed that everyone’s voice will be heard. Over the hustle and bustle I’ll guide the meek, as we’re all unique, that’s what I aspire for others to seek.

    Building bridges:How teenagers can start networking

    In today’s rapidly evolving world, networking is the tool of the successful. It’s from networking that business professionals gain key connections, forge partnerships and exchange relevant ideas, all of which help expand their own business potential.

    Grand Ale, Grand Ale! Has Moon Dog landed yet?

    Stepping into 2024, to consider fusing a brewery with a place of childhood nostalgia, is as ambitious as landing on the moon, but will it work?

    A Chinese restaurant classic; spring rolls!

    Homemade spring rolls showcase every delicious ingredient in the filling and the ingredients are clear to see as you bite into that crisp and golden pastry.

    Wine vs Wine

    Richard reviews a 2021 Kirrihill Regional series Shiraz and Grant a 2021 Sevenhill 'Inigo' Field Blend.

    Rotary Yarraville has soul in its heart

    At the heart of Braybrook, where stories intertwine like threads in a tapestry, lies a place of warmth and nourishment, both for the body and the soul.

    Tania Kelaart: Founder and facilitator of the Wyndham Women’s Support Group

    The Wyndham Women’s Support Group brings women from diverse backgrounds together and to offer a ‘Safe Space’ to build friendships and connections, learn from others, share their gifts and talents and be supported to feel empowered and incorporate a variety of activities including a veggie garden, a sewing group, a kitchen and a cookbook featuring cultural recipes from our group.

    Ginger roots:The surprising origin of red hair

    In a nod to World Redhead Day on 26th May, let’s comb through the science of red hair and how it’s passed down from parent to child (or not).

    Celebrating 15 years of giving back with Community Bank Seddon

    Cast your mind back 15 years if you can and realise that our inner west community was quite a different place. The bustling Seddon and Yarraville villages had quite a different profile.

    The ‘Ground Cover Bandit’ strikes again

    It is illegal to take cuttings from plants in council parks, isn’t it? Not that I’d ever do that, I’m just asking for a friend who thinks he might have a problem.

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