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A zero-waste delivery service and mobile bulk shop has started to roll about in Melbourne’a west. Precycle Pantry aims to help people do their bit for the planet by offering an alternative solution to shop more sustainably with their wide range of household essentials including wholefoods, cleaning product, personal care, snacks and more.

“The idea is that instead of buying rice or laundry liquid in plastic packaging, you can order online and it will arrive at your doorstep in our sustainable and returnable packaging, avoiding unnecessary plastic waste,” says Founder Caro Felton.

Precycle Pantry is focused on making it easy and convenient for people to shop sustainably. This is why, besides the online delivery service, there is also an option to book ‘Pablo’ the Precycle Pantry Van to visit your street and refill containers from the comfort of home. There is absolutely no fee to book Pablo the Van, and there is also a free delivery service.

“We know our community is getting more conscious on the current climate emergency and want to do something, but they are still looking for practical alternatives that can adapt to their current busy lifestyles.”

It’s still hard to find produce without plastic packaging and unfortunately this material never decomposes, which means that it ends up in landfills causing greenhouse gases, or in our oceans destroying ecosystems and accelerating climate change.

“We believe that we can all contribute towards healing our planet (and ourselves) by doing what we can and what is accessible for us, and it’s with small steps that big changes happen.” says Caro.

Precycle Pantry invites locals from all walks of life to say adiós to plastic and to join the mission to make plastic-free shopping the new norm.

For more info visit:

Don’t forget to follow our journey on Facebook and Instagram: @precyclepantry. We’d love to hear from you.


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