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By Sheridan Rose Shaw

Never ever did I set out to be an award winning salon finalist. In the beginning, it was all about making an impact with-in the community and bridging the gap in the west for premium salon service [without having to cross the bridge].

Little did I know that that desire naturally made an impact not just on the local community but the hairdressing community too.

Very quickly we started to change the landscape by focussing not just on the needs of clients but the needs of my team.

I never dreamed of opening my own salon because of my own floppy experience in the salon. It was never on my radar!

But then I realised, you can take a back seat in the industry or you can be the change you want to see…  

A-HUH! Be the boss that I never had, be the boss of my dreams! Create an experience that you’re yet to experience. From a client and team perspective!

It’s exactly like becoming a parent and the healing that comes with it. Doing the exact opposite of the things that caused some kind of pain or turmoil. I call it the UN-FUCKERY. Finding your power.

MAMAWEST is the castle and inside of my heart. It’s an explosion of my insides on the outsides. A conscious; re-parented, far from intimidating place where you can be your authentic self and explore who you are— through creativity and a good old fashioned D’N’M!

The words roll off my fingers this morning so easily and effortlessly. Because this is my passion!

PEOPLE are my passion! I love love love to collaborate, connect and build community. It’s natural. It’s effortless. It’s easy. It’s who I am.

I was born for this role. Everything in my whole entire life has led to this moment.

Even the name of my business MAMA, had something to do with reparenting and reprogramming all the conditioning of my hairdressing experience and creating a brand new world. A world that exists within the 130sqm 4 walls in the wild Wild West  

I love my team. They are the heart and bones of MAMAWEST. And MAMAWEST would be nothing without them.

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