
    Inner West Symphony Orchestra going from strength to strength


    By Daniel Brace

    Established just over a year ago, the Inner West Symphony Orchestra, like other community orchestras around Victoria, provides instrumentalists of all ages and abilities somewhere local where they can continue their musical journey.

    And the Inner West Symphony Orchestra – ‘our orchestra’ – was dreamed up by some dedicated, classical music loving westies, who thought we deserved an orchestra as much as any other region. Considering the west is about as big as the Greater City of Adelaide, they were right.

    And under the baton of conductor Andrew Leach, the orchestra is going from strength to strength, with the next concert planned for 24 November in the magnificent surrounds of the Williamstown Town Hall.

    The program includes selected movements from the ballet score of Romeo and Juliet by Sergei Prokofiev, Night on Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky, Giuseppe Verdi’s Overture to La forza del destino, and the orchestral fantasy on the theme of Greensleeves by Ralph Vaughan Williams.

    These are evocative works that use the full sounds of the orchestra to capture the imagination. From witches atop a mountain to England’s rolling green hills, I can’t wait to hear all the strings, brass, woodwind and percussion required to fulfill the composer’s intentions.

    “It’s such a wonderful gift to have an orchestra in the west. We have players from around 15 years old to almost 80! You can come to hear quality classical music without having to mortgage the house. Elevate your passion for music and introduce family members to the orchestral experience,” says Andrew, talking to me in a rare quiet moment during his rehearsal schedule.

    “Music sparks imagination. When you hear the music and close your eyes you might be transported anywhere, from the raging emotions of Verdi’s Overture to the picture perfect ballet dancers of Romeo and Juliet.”

    “Come with an open mind, and let the wonderful players of the Inner West Symphony Orchestra do the rest of the work.”

    Andrew also tells me, there will be new compositions premiered from composers living in the west. So in addition to supporting musicians at various stages in their musical journey, and keeping the community connected with classical orchestral music, our orchestra is giving local composers the opportunity to create and be heard on their home turf. Bravo to that! 

    Concert details
    IWSO Presents: Prokofiev. Mussorgsky. Verdi.
    Date: Sunday 24 November 2024
    2:00 PM–4:00 PM

    Location: Williamstown Town Hall
    104 Ferguson Street, Williamstown Victoria 3016

    Info link:

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