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Have you ever seen the Simpsons meme “Stop, He’s already dead”? Well that’s how I feel about this.

This franchise was and should have been well and truly finished a decade ago. I expected nothing special from this and I got nothing really in return. Car-thief-turned-international-super-spy just seems way too far-fetched, but that’s not all. Everything about this just leaves you thinking that it’s all way too surreal. The best way to describe this movie is to say it’s catastrophic – so much destruction with very little care about everything and or anyone else. Vin Diesel should just move on, but he won’t because he produces the franchise now. He should do a 70’s version in my opinion, but that’ll never happen. The movies have moved on so far from what made these classics, there are not even any more car races. Yes they have tried to rejuvenate it by adding in the spy business but it’s just too far gone. I have tried to find some sort of positive in this film and the closest I got was John Cena, in the grand scheme of things it just won’t cut it as a good film. I’m not trying to be harsh, it is a decent film but just not a great film. If you want a mindless action film then this is the one, the story isn’t special and it doesn’t contain anything that hasn’t been done before. The only reason to see this film is to witness what is hopefully the final film in the franchise.

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