
    Susan Yengi


    Are you a member of a political party, political group, or community advocacy group? (eg; Labor, Liberal, Greens, Socialist, My Place, Angry Victorians, Better West, environment groups, etc)

    I am a member of the Labor Party, but in this election, I am running as an unendorsed Labor candidate. This means I will not be bound by party politics when making decisions and will have the freedom to shape an agenda solely based on the needs of the community.

    What is the most important issue facing your electorate?

    The cost-of living crisis is an issue currently impacting all Australians, including residents in River Ward; this is further exacerbated by high council rates, the prolonged impacts of COVID-19 on our local businesses, and the 2022 floods which has left many residents still locked out of their homes.

    Should/how can Council support local businesses?

    Council should absolutely support local business because that’s the backbone of our community. There are always options available to provide assistance, but ultimately, Council should collaborate with local businesses to identify the specific types of support they need to create local jobs and thrive.”

    Should/how can Council support local creatives and industries?

    As the gateway to the West and with proximity to the CBD, Maribyrnong Council has great potential to set an example for fostering thriving local arts and creative industries. With many young creatives residing in the area, we have the opportunity to support these artists in achieving greater success.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate the impact of climate extremes on local communities and ecosystems?

    Climate change is a critical issue affecting everyone both on a micro and macro level. While the Council cannot address it alone, it must work collaboratively with community, local and federal governments and other stakeholders to implement strategies to alleviate climate impacts. If elected, I will advocate for the adoption of effective measures to combat climate change.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate cost of living and homelessness?

    Cost of living and homelessness are two significant issues that require a systemic approach to resolve. However, there are always opportunities for Council to act.

    Cost of living: In addition to advocating to State and Federal governments, Council could investigate localised solutions, which may offer some reprieve.

    Homelessness: In addition to advocating to State and Federal government on housing, Council could facilitate collaboration between the various service agencies currently operating within the municipality. By promoting resource sharing and reducing siloed operations, Council can help in reducing costs for service providers and expand support for those in need.

    What should Council stop spending money on?

    At this moment, I am not in a position to provide a detailed response as I would need to undertake a comprehensive review of the current expenditures and understand the prioritisation matrix. However, if elected, I will ensure that the Council prioritises spending on essential programs that directly benefit the community, particularly those struggling in the current economic climate.

    Should the public be allowed to ask live, unscripted questions of councillors during council meetings?

    Residents should be able to ask live, unscripted questions of councillors. However, questions requiring input from subject matter experts should be submitted in advance to ensure that the relevant data/information is sourced ahead of the meeting. This helps avoid unnecessary back- and-forth and ensures residents aren’t left disappointed by poorly researched answers or a lack of detailed information due to the need for third-party input.

    Can you please provide a short personal statement detailing what your priorities are if elected, and what your vision for your electorate looks like.

    My vision for the City of Maribyrnong is to create a thriving hub where residents feel safe, connected, and heard —a place of belonging. I envision a community where residents receive value for the rates they pay, businesses are supported to thrive, and our natural ecosystems and green landscapes are preserved and protected.

    Mob: 0468 434 949

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    RMIT Journalism Students
    RMIT Journalism Students

    On your behalf we have asked every candidate who put their hand up to stand in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Wyndham the same set of questions that were formulated with the feedback of the Westsider readers.

    Our thanks goes to first year RMIT Journalism students, who helped contact candidates as part of their final assessment in COMM2835, Journalism: Reporting and Writing.

    A big shout out to Dr Josie Vine, a Westsider regular, who coordinated the project and Dr Sharon Smith who so graciously lent us her students and devised the activity as part of their assessment.

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