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    The Westsider: May, 2024

    The Westsider is a not-for-profit, monthly community newspaper, written by volunteers and delivered to hundreds of pick-up points across the inner west each month.

    Editor’s note

    Imagine if everyone, upon seeing a problem with a solution, thought yep, I can do something to help here.

    Letters to the editor

    This month's letters: No more ambos for Footscray, Trucks constantly breaking curfew.

    Spending our money

    Well, it’s that time of year again. When councils decide what they’re gunna spend our money on. And because they can’t spend it without our say-so, they put draft proposed budgets out for public consultation before heading back to chambers to be voted on. 

    Insurance nightmare prolongs heartache for Maribyrnong flood victims

    A federal parliamentary inquiry into the 2022 Maribyrnong flood at provided opportunity for residents to relate their experiences with insurers.

    Vale Les Twentyman, a true local champion

    Beloved son of the west, social justice campaigner and devoted Bulldogs fan, Les Twentyman, has died and was honoured with a state funeral at St Patrick’s Cathedral on 16 April. 

    Residents fear the GreenLine bike path promised by Hobsons Council has become a (pipe) dreamline?

    In 2018, an idea for a network of shared bike paths to improve ‘active transport’ was adopted by Hobsons Bay City Council but little has happened since.

    Meet the man who’s singlehandedly cleaning up Brimbank 

    Julian Reynolds is up before sunrise on a Saturday morning in an effort to clean up Brimbank. 

    Wetlands Open Day connecting communities with nature

    The Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre (HBWC) invites you to join us for a free fun-filled open day on 11 May 2024.

    Sharing backyard gardens; turning neighbourhoods into agrihoods with food for everyone

    What if there is a way we can all enjoy our gardens, share the work, and build a stronger, more resilient community? 

    Vic Uni develops eco-friendly asphalt for greener roads in Melbourne’s west!

    Researchers at Victoria University are developing an innovative green asphalt made from recycled materials!

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    #103 December 2024

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