Your voice – February 2025


In response to The Westsider’s story last edition about illegal dumping

I wonder if this could be eased by more hard rubbish options for the community or designated drop zones. Fly tipping won’t be stopped, but it may be reduced, or even reduced in ‘nice’ spots by including more regular and open ways for communities to get rid of rubbish.

Ben Knight

In response to Cr Thuy Dang (Mayor of BCC) re; Sunshine Station rebuild.

Rebuilding the station again after a recent rebuild is not an issue, due to the need.

Doing it properly so that it fits and suits Sunshine is the issue. The Masterplan’s Spurline proposal, changing the traffic arrangements around the station, will harm the connectivity in Sunshine, from the east to west, and north to south, for pedestrians as well as vehicles.

It does not meet the major project ideals of: ‘A Superhub that is safe, active and accessible for people of all abilities, whether taking public transport, walking, riding a bike or driving’. Nor does it meet the project’s ambition to ‘unite not divide.’

The Sunshine Station Masterplan ‘spurline proposal’ does not service any users to or from the station, either pedestrians or vehicles. It does not conform with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The roadway gradients are too steep and are non-compliant to Australian Standards for walkway ramps. The ‘spurline’ proposal is not necessary alongside the station. The northbound ramp has over 600 vehicle movements per hour in the peak periods. This amount of traffic being forced through a street network in the southern Sunshine CBD will cause gridlocks and serve no benefit.

Besides causing congestion, it will create an unsafe driving environment with many pedestrian interactions and crossings, it is not efficient or practical, therefore not environmentally friendly either.

This is a regressive use of the current infrastructure.

Wally Haering

On Facebook we asked…

What kind of business, space, or project would you love to see at the old Wool Store below?

You said …

Al-flex Yo
A club house for the Footscray Flickers Crokinole Club

Alexander Vladica
A huge nightclub

Nicole Rushbury
Community hub and multi use space

Greg Randall
Big Arts Studio! This is a massive site and realistically way too big for arts and community hubs plus I think the owners want a LOT of cash.

Kelly Facespace
Zombie laser tag

Tania Bishop
Art studios would be great

Ludmila Lucy Liga
Council could buy it and convert it to much needed basketball courts

Scott Lyon
New premises for Snuff Puppets

Janee Taylor

Joff Walters
It must be a roller skating rink with a shop for all your roller skating needs, LP’s, music. A bar. A cafe.
Retro clothing.

Bek Monx
Public housing or homeless shelter!

Chrid Thirks
Community hub, cafes, artist spaces, a gallery, music rooms, live music venue, community rooms, kitchen, bar, function room, market space, community garden, non profit offices…

Nik Marsh
A community hub run by the council as a not for profit building with spaces providing permanent tenancy for community groups. So many community halls like Maribyrnong Community Centre are now operating as business rather than spaces for community groups to run meetings and functions from. 

Editor Barbara Heggen
Editor Barbara Heggen
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