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The GROW Program is an engaging and supportive program that will help build participant confidence and skills for further training or employment.

The program is delivered in a supportive learning space and individual learning goals are achieved through active learning projects. Meet employers through visits to workplaces and learn work ready transferable skills that enable engagement with a complex world and the demands of the modern workplace. There are two GROW Programs running:

  • Youth 17–25 year olds. This program is delivered at 114 Blackwood St, Yarraville on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Classes start on Wednesday 1st May 2019 and run for 18 weeks (excluding school holidays). Classes start at 9.30am and finish at 3.00pm on each day.
  • Adults 25+ This program is delivered at 9 Victoria St, Footscray on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Classes start on Wednesday 1st May 2019 and run for 18 weeks (excluding school holidays). Classes start at 9.30am and finish at 2.30pm on each day.

For more information contact the YCC Education Manager on 9687 1560 or email:

Participants who complete the full program will be eligible for the 22473VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults, a Nationally Accredited Course.

This training is delivered with Victorian Government Funding, and Government subsidized places are available. Eligibility criteria applies.

Yarraville Community Centre - Advertorial
Yarraville Community Centre - Advertorial
Office: 59 Francis Street, Yarraville Vic 3013 Mail: PO Box 215, Yarraville Vic 3013 Phone: 9687 1560 Email: Web:

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