
    Susan Miller


    Are you a member of a political party, political group, or community advocacy group? (eg; Labor, Liberal, Greens, Socialist, My Place, Angry Victorians, Better West, environment groups, etc)

    Victorian Socialists.

    What is the most important issue facing your electorate?

    Cost of living and lack of transparency/accountability in council. 

    Should/how can Council support local businesses?

    Councils and the State government talk a lot about supporting business, but actually most spending goes to infrastructure (roads, etc) that supports big businesses outside our area like Highpoint Shopping Centre, Pacific Werribee, and big developers. The state government provides ongoing incentives for developers to build apartments that sell mostly to investors rather than people needing a home. Local small businesses, and local people suffer for this. The best way Council can support local businesses is to promote small over big business, with transport and street improvements that encourage residents to shop locally.

    Hobsons Bay is home to many polluting and toxic industries and businesses. Council should ensure the community benefits from the decommissioning of the Mobil Altona refinery site and that Mobil pays to properly rehabilitate the land. Council should also pressure the EPA and State government to ensure businesses are meeting their environmental and safety obligations.

    Should/how can Council support local creatives and industries?

    Facilitate local creatives and community groups to use empty commercial spaces for studios by introducing higher rates on empty properties.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate the impact of climate extremes on local communities and ecosystems?

    Council should communicate clearly with the community about climate risks (floods, grass fires, extreme heat and weather events) and emergency plans. To mitigate the risks council needs to advocate for strong climate action from State and Federal governments including pushing for better public transport, tree planting to mitigate heat islands, retrofitting homes and building codes to ensure housing is energy efficient and liveable. Council can also protect biodiversity by stopping the destruction of endangered grasslands by developers. Council should work with local community groups and neighbouring councils to oppose the third runway at Melbourne airport which will drastically increase emissions and noise.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate cost of living and homelessness?

    Ensuring large private developments include public and community housing, introducing higher rates on empty properties to discourage land banking. Immediately end the uncertainty for Techno Park residents by guaranteeing their existing rights of residency. Making it easier for people to access food relief and fight to get Coles and Woolworths to make food waste available to people in need.

    What should Council stop spending money on?

    Council should stop spending money on legal fees to fight local communities in the courts (such as Techno Park residents). Council CEOs are paid huge six figure salaries and yet council workers are often struggling with the cost of living – I’ll fight to change that.

    Should the public be allowed to ask live, unscripted questions of councillors during council meetings?

    The current system of attendance and questions at council meetings shuts down debate and engagement with the council. Members of the public should be able to attend council meetings without pre-booking, ask unscripted questions and make comments. This can be done in a respectful way, with time limits for questioners and councillors – this would make council meetings more open and democratic.

    Can you please provide a short personal statement detailing what your priorities are if elected, and what your vision for your electorate looks like.

    I will fight for a community that puts people before profit. I will stand up for human rights and show solidarity with all communities including the LGBTQIA+ community. If I am elected, I will move a motion in solidarity with Palestine and Lebanon and move to audit council supply chains to ensure the Council is not complicit in genocide in accordance with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. I will run monthly ward meetings to hear the issues of concern for the community and join with people in the region to stop the West being used as a toxic waste dump. I will prioritise green, pedestrian-friendly streets that build neighbourhood connection. I stand for expanding council-run not-for-profit public services including childcare, health, aged and wellbeing services.


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    RMIT Journalism Students
    RMIT Journalism Students

    On your behalf we have asked every candidate who put their hand up to stand in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Wyndham the same set of questions that were formulated with the feedback of the Westsider readers.

    Our thanks goes to first year RMIT Journalism students, who helped contact candidates as part of their final assessment in COMM2835, Journalism: Reporting and Writing.

    A big shout out to Dr Josie Vine, a Westsider regular, who coordinated the project and Dr Sharon Smith who so graciously lent us her students and devised the activity as part of their assessment.

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