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It’s always tempting to go out with a bang. One of the team here at The Westsider, on hearing this would be my last edition as editor, said “Oh I can’t wait to read THAT last editor’s note!”

I can’t deny I’m tempted to reach down into the depths of my pseudo-socialist soul and unleash one final verbal tee-off, but actually as I have nothing but fond memories of the last 7 years building this platform from scratch, growing it to the successful levels it has reached, and running the components each day, week and month, all I am feeling right now is positive gratitude.

Yes you read that right – despite the fact I have a big fat soap box right in front of me – a great pride in our collective achievements, true appreciation, and thanks are foremost in my mind.

The first thing I said when I met each of our wonderful group of volunteers who have contributed for years, kept us afloat with their energy and input, and shared our vision, is that The Westsider runs on the whiff of an oily rag and a great deal of community spirit. The reality is that this is just a fun catch-phrase that undersells the hours, the commitment, and the sheer turning up again each month for more, which everyone who has ever been involved in The Westsider has given us. To all of you I give my thanks and congratulations.

A media platform needs like-minded supporters to run, and our successful 2017 relaunch would not have been possible without the connection we made with Inner West Community Enterprises and the Community Bank Seddon.

Meanwhile the Community Partners emblazoned to the left of this page – your true champions of the inner-west – have been largely responsible for keeping us going all this time.

Lastly, what’s the point of knocking out a paper if no-one reads or engages with it? Today’s news maybe tomorrow’s fish and chip wrapper, but it’s been made clear to me, time and time again, how much The Westsider is valued by you and others across the region.

So that’s it from me (lump in throat moment), your new editor Meagan Kearney takes over from here, I’m sure she will bring a new perspective and personality to this paper, and I for one look forward to hearing her voice.


Derek Green

Our content is a labour of love, crafted by dedicated volunteers who are passionate about the west. We encourage submissions from our community, particularly stories about your own experiences, family history, local issues, your suburb, community events, local history, human interest stories, food, the arts, and environmental matters. Below are articles created by community contributors. You can find their names in the bylines.

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It's hard to find local stories because major news suppliers have economised by cutting local journalism. In addition, social media algorithms mean we have to work doubly hard to be seen.

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