


    By Lena Daskalakis

    There has been much confusion about masks since Mr. Andrews made some changes about what is safest, and it didn’t help that the DHHS website wasn’t updated until after the rule change. So let’s be clear about something – a bandana by definition is a large coloured handkerchief, worn tied around the head or neck.

    One can only assume that the triangle bandana was the cause of the rule change as they are loose around the face, however any fitted mask that covers the nose and mouth are still fine, previously we would have lumped all the variations together and called them bandanas but now snoods, buffs or gaiters have been separated out as acceptable masks; these are not tied but a closed loop of material.

    Also, face shields may not be appropriate for protecting an individual but they are not banned! Banned assumes they are somehow illegal, in fact the DHHS states if you cannot wear a face mask; and there are countless of lawful reason for not wearing a mask (none of which require a medical certificate) you can still choose to wear a face shield on its own.

    Be safe and before you beret a fellow westie about their mask choice just be kind.

    For more information go to


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