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Editor’s Note – July 2024


You are AMAZING!

No, really, you are. Because of your generous support The Westsider raised $2920 during our inaugural ‘Your Stories. Your Voice.’ campaign. THANK YOU!!!

This donor drive was part of a national campaign organised by the good folks at LINA (Local & Independent News Association) to raise awareness about the plight of hyper-local and community news providers. LINA will be matching your donation, bringing our total to $5900.

We’ll ensure that every cent goes toward providing an accessible platform for publishing a diverse mix of local stories that matter to you.

Which brings me to my second exciting announcement. 

The Westsider has received funding from the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund to enable us to kickstart our plans for an internet radio station. This adds yet another platform for local voices and local storytelling. So THANK YOU West Gate Neighbourhood Fund if you’re reading!

If you’re keen to get involved in radio (in any capacity) or you’re a podcaster and you live in the western suburbs, get in touch. We’ll be establishing a working group of volunteers (sigh, yes I know, we can’t pay anyone … yet) to help get ‘Westsider FM’ off the ground and on air.

In the meantime, put your feet up, grab a bevvy, and enjoy the July edition of The Westsider. 

Barbara Heggen

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Did you know?

It's hard to find local stories because major news suppliers have economised by cutting local journalism. In addition, social media algorithms mean we have to work doubly hard to be seen.

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