
    Editor’s Note – August 2024


    It’s been over a year since I took on the reins at the Westsider and in that time I’ve met the most amazing team of volunteers.

    Each month I’m bowled over by the passion, talent and dedication of our diverse collective of writers and creatives, who beaver away, often with little thanks, to get this baby delivered.

    So I want to say thanks to all of our volunteers and give a special shout out to our team of E-Gen writers. Under the guidance of the E-Gen Section Editor Taylor Navarro, and her Deputy Editor Harguan Kaur, this team delivers a diverse collection of stories and articles from our youngest contributors giving us insight into the issues facing Gen Z and even Alpha.

    This month many of the E-Gen team are hunkered down in mid-year exams and essays but their enthusiasm for participating in civics and their fresh ideas never fail to inspire me. I have nothing but admiration for these younger generations. They have so much on their plates and many difficult challenges to navigate that weren’t of their creation.

    I urge you to keep a keen eye on this team and their stories for they are our future leaders. Nurture them, encourage them, support them, and remember the old saying, ‘As goes youth, so goes the nation’. 

    Barbara Heggen

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    Editor Barbara Heggen
    Editor Barbara Heggen
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