
If it was beer, we wouldn’t be so reckless. Granted, we’ve become a lot smarter and wiser in years of late, but why do we still treat our water like, well, waste?

Ok. It’s been around for a long time and, like your Ken Done place-mats, it’s become part of the common household.

We’re about to kick into summer gear for another year and with the new season comes for the reminder that we need to care for and preserve our water.

We are so lucky to have access to clean drinking water, straight from the tap, but believe it or not, not everyone is aware of this in Melbourne.

Even though Melbourne has some of the highest quality drinking water in the world, bottled water is still being purchased with 50 per cent of these bottles ending up in landfill or as litter.

In the West, we seem to be pretty good at keeping an eye on our local environment but how do we keep it looking good for future generations?

Local group run by state and local government, Greening the West encourages positive environmental care in all forms – from pot plants to car parks, nature strips to nature reserves, rooftops and of course our all-important waterways.

There are several projects underway in the West that focus on keeping our grounds green and our undergrounds clean. These water preservation projects that span across the West are not just for their good looks, but for our future as we start to see reduced rainfall in our hottest seasons.

While it’s good to see the big organisations thinking wisely about their communities, I’m curious as to how I can make an impact and take care of my previous tap liquid and importantly how I can show my son to be water smart.

Clare Lombardi from City West Water said preserving and caring for your water is as simple as just not wasting it.

“I think it’s about striking the right balance between using water as you need it and ensuring we have enough water available into the future. Singing in the shower is a great way to keep your shower time down. Just skip the encore! Keep your garden green, just use a trigger nozzle and water in the early morning or evening,” said Ms Lombardi.

So there we have it. Do as the ads and your grandfolk say and be water-wise this summer. Drink from the tap, that stuff is liquid gold!

To discover water initiatives and learn how to keep your water usage to a minimum, visit www.citywestwater.com.au or follow City West Water on Facebook and Instagram.

Want to know about my adventures in the west? Follow me at www.houseofwebb.blogspot.com.au or facebook.com/ houseofwebb

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