
    Fletcher Bubb


    Are you a member of a political party, political group, or community advocacy group? (eg; Labor, Liberal, Greens, Socialist, My Place, Angry Victorians, Better West, environment groups, etc)

    I am an independent in the Maribyrnong City Council 2024 election. If elected I will stay independent for my full term of Council.

    What is the most important issue facing your electorate?

    Residents want infrastructure and critical services delivered efficiently, with transparency and accountability from the Council. The key issue is the need for efficient, evidence-based decisions informed by community consultation.

    Councillors living outside wards, indecision and distractions from political agendas have led to declining services and rising rates. Council must refocus on its core responsibilities and improving resident satisfaction.

    Residents are also calling for more green spaces and increased services like childcare, health, and aged care to meet immediate needs, alongside better planning for future growth.

    Ultimately, people want their voices heard, believing that a thoughtful, evidence-based approach will deliver better outcomes and balance immediate needs with long-term sustainability. Council must prioritise essential services, public spaces, and community engagement for a more liveable, sustainable future.

    Should/how can Council support local businesses?

    Local community businesses are vital for vibrant healthy neighbourhoods, boosting economic stability and enriching social, environmental, and cultural aspects. Council can support businesses by:

    • Improving accessibility and safety so residents can easily shop and meet their needs close to home.
    • Assist business owners with town planning and regulations.
    • Provide connections and options for local business to use Council’s wholesale buying and service agreements with larger organisations.
    • Activating vacant sites for community and social value with added security.
    • Support local markets, cultural events and pop-up shops.

    Should/how can Council support local creatives and industries?

    The Council can support local creatives and industries through strategies that:

    • Create creative spaces like studios, galleries, or performance venues for artists to work and showcase their talent.
    • Promote local talent through events, festivals, and exhibitions, increasing visibility and networking opportunities.
    • Support skills development by sponsoring training programs for artists to share their expertise with residents and youth.
    • Provide small grants and simplify permits for creative activities.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate the impact of climate extremes on local communities and ecosystems?

    Yes, Council should lead efforts to mitigate local climate change and involve residents in planning for widely supported solutions. Focus should be on protecting communities and ecosystems while building resilience against future climate risks, ultimately reducing long-term costs for residents.

    Key priorities include:

    • Waste and Energy Management: Improve waste services, reduce energy use, and cut Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.
    • Enhance Green Infrastructure: Expand urban forests, street planting, and parks to combat heat islands, manage stormwater, and improve local health.
    • Strengthen Building Resilience: Ensure new developments are sustainable and climate-resilient through better planning and building codes.
    • Monitor Climate Risks and adapt as needed.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate cost of living and homelessness?

    Council should play a key role in addressing the cost of living and homelessness with a compassionate, community-focused approach.

    By partnering with Government-funded groups and local charities, the Council can assist essential services like food and housing. Welfare and outreach programs will connect those in need to these resources, while fostering community connectedness to reduce isolation and create support networks.

    The Council should also back private charities offering emergency housing and mental health services, and advocate for better social housing.

    What should Council stop spending money on?

    The Council must prioritise its spending on core services that directly benefit residents and ensure these are done correctly before pursuing other projects. Once the community is satisfied with essential services, then additional projects can be considered.

    Recently, several large capital works projects have completed, but their value to the community is questionable. These projects have diverted resources away from key services and initiatives that could provide better health and community outcomes.

    Council decisions should be evidence-based and backed by informed community consultation. This transparent approach will ensure resources are used efficiently, on essential services that truly benefit the community.

    Should the public be allowed to ask live, unscripted questions of councillors during council meetings?

    Yes. Residents should be able to ask live questions in person at Council meetings that are respectful and reasonable.

    Can you please provide a short personal statement detailing what your priorities are if elected, and what your vision for your electorate looks like.

    My vision is for a safe, clean, affordable, and healthy community with strong connections among residents. A community with accessible services and quality assets, including businesses, sporting facilities, childcare, parks, and health and wellbeing services, all contributing to a vibrant, connected community.

    At the heart of this vision is ongoing dialogue with residents and businesses, where outcomes are shaped by community aspirations through consultation.

    My key priorities are:

    • Get core Council services right and enhance assets for the future.
    • Lead environmental action by reducing Council emissions and expanding green and public spaces.
    • Improve social infrastructure, such as childcare, health, and wellbeing services.
    • Promote small businesses and strengthen community ties.
    • Protect equality and residents’ rights.

    I am committed to building a better, more connected community through collaboration and transparency.

    Mob: 0400 160 680

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    RMIT Journalism Students
    RMIT Journalism Students

    On your behalf we have asked every candidate who put their hand up to stand in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Wyndham the same set of questions that were formulated with the feedback of the Westsider readers.

    Our thanks goes to first year RMIT Journalism students, who helped contact candidates as part of their final assessment in COMM2835, Journalism: Reporting and Writing.

    A big shout out to Dr Josie Vine, a Westsider regular, who coordinated the project and Dr Sharon Smith who so graciously lent us her students and devised the activity as part of their assessment.

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