
    Wallace Huang


    Are you a member of a political party, political group, or community advocacy group? (eg; Labor, Liberal, Greens, Socialist, My Place, Angry Victorians, Better West, environment groups, etc)

    I’m a progressive member of the Labor Party, an Australian Services Union workplace representative, and United Workers Union member.

    What is the most important issue facing your electorate?

    West Footscray needs to be heard by Council when we say we need to improve and rebuild our services and local maintenance. This is a vibrant community that is let down by delays and underfunding. We need to fix rundown streets and footpaths, improve outdated local park facilities, and defend and reinvest in high-value, accessible services that create jobs for locals.

    Should/how can Council support local businesses?

    Business thrives when the community is vibrant, welcoming and safe. We need safer, more accessible suburbs with practical steps and advocacy to keep our community vibrant, cohesive and free of theft and other anti-social behaviour. Council also needs to do all in its power to build up central Footscray, cracking down on developers hoarding disused land, creating more affordable housing and local amenity that supports patronage for our local businesses

    Should/how can Council support local creatives and industries?

    Not answered.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate the impact of climate extremes on local communities and ecosystems?

    The most practical thing the Council should do to alleviate the impact of climate extremes, is to increase and improve green space for our community. We have to make the most of opportunities like the old Footscray Hospital site to deliver new parkland. We should also appropriately increase tree cover which will increase shade and assist local ecosystems and wildlife.

    Should/how can Council help alleviate cost of living and homelessness?

    Council should do its part to help ease living costs, including by reviewing rates to ensure fairness and value for money for the public good. Housing costs are also getting sky high. Council should engage in better planning, more quality affordable housing and more approvals to build social housing so everyone in our community has a home, not just a wealthy few.

    What should Council stop spending money on?

    Council should always responsibly fund services and maintenance where there is community need and it delivers value for money.

    Should the public be allowed to ask live, unscripted questions of councillors during council meetings?

    Not answered

    Can you please provide a short personal statement detailing what your priorities are if elected, and what your vision for your electorate looks like.

    In my conversations with locals, what I’ve heard is that we want a Council that does its own work, listens to what people need, and makes decisions that improve our lives. That’s why my vision for Maribyrnong focuses on listening and working with our community, defending and rebuilding quality, high-value services like early childhood education and care, and better planning for quality affordable and social housing. My priorities also include more green space, a maintenance blitz to fix rundown infrastructure, building up central Footscray by cracking down on developers hoarding disused land, and taking practical steps to keep our community safe, vibrant and cohesive.

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    RMIT Journalism Students
    RMIT Journalism Students

    On your behalf we have asked every candidate who put their hand up to stand in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong and Wyndham the same set of questions that were formulated with the feedback of the Westsider readers.

    Our thanks goes to first year RMIT Journalism students, who helped contact candidates as part of their final assessment in COMM2835, Journalism: Reporting and Writing.

    A big shout out to Dr Josie Vine, a Westsider regular, who coordinated the project and Dr Sharon Smith who so graciously lent us her students and devised the activity as part of their assessment.

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