
    We're more than just news

    The Westsider: September, 2024

    The Westsider is a not-for-profit, monthly community newspaper, written by volunteers and delivered to hundreds of pick-up points across the inner west each month.

    How Indian will my Aussie kids feel on their first trip to India?

    Experience the emotional return to India through the eyes of a mother. Join Kalpana SK as she shares her journey of bringing her children to the country she once called home.

    The challenges – and benefits – of raising children in a digital world

    By Carley McGauran What is one word to describe parenting in the digital world? This question was posed at a webinar earlier this year for...

    Debunking the ‘I’ve worked hard’ myth

    Challenging the notion of 'working hard' for wealth. Learn why the 'worked hard' narrative overlooks privilege and contributes to societal inequality.

    Then & Now: The Kinnears Rope Factory

    Discover the fascinating story of the Kinnears Rope Factory in Footscray, a once-thriving industrial landmark with a tragic past.

    Ghost Signs – Terminus Hotel

    Uncover the history of the iconic Terminus Hotel in Williamstown. Explore the tales of brawls and booze that make this ghost sign a fascinating relic of the past.

    Footscray-Yarraville City Band celebrates 150 years with a grand concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre

    Discover the remarkable story of Footscray-Yarraville City Band. Explore their victories in international and national competitions spanning over 150 years.

    DEEP WEST: How a little piece of Sunshine ended up in Tsarist Russia

    Delve into the history of Sunshine and its iconic H.V. McKay Memorial Gardens. Learn how this visionary industrialist transformed the suburb and its landscape.

    Brigit Ingram exhibition

    Don't miss the Brigit Ingram exhibition at our branch. Experience the unique art practice of this talented young artist and her inspired works of print and oil paintings.

    How a Spotswood Primary art teacher became an Instagram star!

    Learn how Cindy Asp, the art teacher at Spotswood Primary School, connects with the school community through her Instagram account.

    Young talent bridging cultural divides through art

    Be inspired by the art exhibition featuring St Alban's multicultural students. See how the school's teachers are fostering creative abilities and encouraging dreams in the arts.

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