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    Monthly Archives: June, 2024

    The Westsider is a not-for-profit, monthly community newspaper, written by volunteers and delivered to hundreds of pick-up points across the inner west each month.

    Wine vs Wine – June 2024

    Richard reviews a 2021 Kirrihill Regional series Shiraz and Grant a 2021 Sevenhill 'Inigo' Field Blend.

    Who and what makes Sunshine ‘shine’? 

    I have come to the conclusion that what makes Sunshine shine is its residents, many of whom are working class migrants with roots from all continents of the world. Of course I will not gloss over the fact that some people associate Sunshine with characters who have a shady past. These folks simply have not quite found the light within them try as they might. Some Sunshiners are clouded by thick, dark clouds. They are who they are. Their sunlight just cannot be seen or we have to look a little harder for it in them. 

    The importance of friends: An invitation for migrant women to connect

    Being a new migrant, I faced the usual struggles of leaving behind family, friends, and a way of life. Instead of being super qualified in India, I had to start over and it was very hard to settle here.  Things in Australia were a bit different back then. Women from overseas struggled to find work, friends and good company. With study and perseverance, I managed to get into my line of work but there was a part which I was missing: the part called friends.

    Neighbourhood House Week

    Victorian Neighbourhood House Week is a vibrant annual celebration of bringing together local communities to engage in various activities hosted by community houses across the state. The week celebrates the important role that neighbourhood houses play in fostering connections and supporting individuals across all walks of life. This year’s theme for Neighbourhood House Week was; Stronger Together. When people come together, they can achieve great things. These annual celebrations provide a great opportunity for community members to learn about the valuable resources available to them.

    DEEP WEST: The RAAF Museum, Point Cook 

    Did you know there is a museum at the Point Cook RAAF base that is open to the public, is fascinating, of astounding quality, and even free? 

    Westward bound: Dominica’s Daughters of the West journey ignites community spirit 

    Inner-West, where the rhythm of daily life echoes the diverse heartbeats of family life, a remarkable story of personal transformation and community-minded dedication unfolds.  Domenica, known affectionately as 'Dom' to her friends and 'Mum' to her teenagers, embarked on a 10-week journey with Daughters of the West that has spurred her on from the living room couch, in pursuit of opportunities to make a tangible difference in the community.  Dom’s path to the Daughters of the West program was inspired by her husband's positive experiences with the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation’s Sons of the West program.

    Thank you Mr McGann! 

    Years ago, while still seduced by the empty promises of self-help books, wedged somewhere between trying to identify the 'toxic people' in my life and learning to 'fully maximise my potential', I read about the therapeutic value of writing thank you letters. Being pig-headed and slightly arrogant as I was (probably why I was given that particular book in the first place), I couldn't immediately think of anyone to thank; after all, I was a self-made man who’d done it all on his own, and worked super-hard, right? 

    Westie crossword

    The Westie crossword for June

    Word scramble

    Word scramble for June 2024


    Sudoku for June 2024

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