
    We're more than just news

    The Westsider: February, 2024

    The Westsider is a not-for-profit, monthly community newspaper, written by volunteers and delivered to hundreds of pick-up points across the inner west each month.


    Council use of weed killers and road tolls feature in this week's letters.


    The Summer holidays offer a rare opportunity for me to relax, reflect, and read some of the books that have been piling up beside my bed all year.

    Local council boundaries about to change under new review proposals

    A radical review of the way our four councils are structured is about to be signed off, just eight months out from the October local government elections.

    City of Hobsons Bay foreshore plan

    The Williamstown Tree Group has expressed its strong support for increased tree planting along the foreshore.

    LEGAL TIPS FOR A BETTER LIFE – Demystifying Wills

    At McManus & Co Lawyers, we understand that crafting a Will can be a daunting task, and we're here to provide answers to the top five frequently asked questions to guide you through the process.

    Community fights to save Willy pool from Council redevelopment

    Current members of the Club and concerned residents are rallying to oppose the current plans to remove the Willy pool.

    CHAMPIONS OF THE WEST – 100 Story Building

    One in three students is not meeting minimum literacy expectations. 100 Story Building tackles these issues.

    From destruction to creative regeneration:Newport Lakes part one

    The story of Newport Lakes is an illustration of potential and transformation of a former quarry.

    What bird is that? A guide to twitching in the west

    Bird watching during lockdown led to a deeper appreciation of our birdlife.

    From little things, great things grow: A history of Williamstown’s lacrosse champions

    The ‘Locals’ lacrosse competition at Williamstown’s Gloucester Reserve was the start of something big in Melbourne’s west.

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